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5 Simple Strategies for Reducing Food Costs While Travelling in Asia



As a young traveller exploring Asia, it’s important to find ways to save money on food so you can stretch your budget further and enjoy more activities and experiences. Here are five simple strategies for reducing food costs while travelling in Asia:

  1. Eat local: One of the best ways to save money on food in Asia is to eat local. Street food and local markets often offer the most budget-friendly options and provide a taste of authentic local cuisine.
  2. Avoid tourist areas: Tourist areas tend to have higher prices, so try to avoid these areas when looking for food. Instead, look for restaurants or markets in more residential or local areas.
  3. Shop at local markets: Local markets are a great place to find fresh produce and other ingredients at a lower cost. Consider buying some ingredients and cooking your own meals or packing a lunch.
  4. Take advantage of happy hours: Many bars and restaurants offer discounted food and drinks during happy hours, often in the late afternoon or early evening. Consider taking advantage of these deals to save money on food.
  5. Use food delivery apps: Food delivery apps like Foodpanda and GrabFood are popular in many Asian countries and can be a convenient and budget-friendly way to get meals delivered to your doorstep.

By following these strategies, you’ll be well on your way to saving money on food while travelling in Asia. Don’t be afraid to try new things and be open to different options, as this can often lead to the most rewarding and memorable travel experiences. Happy travels!

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